- Supervised Anomaly Detection
- labels available for both normal data and anomalies
- similar to rare class mining
- Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection
- labels available only for normal data
- Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
- No labels assumed
- Based on the assumption that anomalies are very rare compared to normal data
2. Type of Anomalies
P- Point Anomalies
- An individual data instance is anomalous w.r.t. the data
- Contextual Anomalies
- An individual data instance is anomalous within a context
- requires a notion of context
- also referred to as conditional anomalies
- Collective Anomalies
- A collection of related data instances is anomalous
- Requires a relationship among data instances
- sequential data
- spatial data
- graph data
- The individual instances within a collective anomaly are not anomalous by themselves
3. Evaluation of Anomaly Detection
- Accuracy is not sufficient metric for evaluation
- Recall: $= \frac{TP}{TP+FN}$
- Precision $=\frac{TP}{TP+FP}$
- F-measure $= \frac{2*P*R}{R+P}$
- Recall (detection rate)
- ratio between the number of correctly detected anomalies and the total number of anomalies
- False alarm (false positive)
- ratio between the number of data records from normal class that are misclassified as anomalies and the total number of data records from normal class.
- ROC curve: a tradeoff between detection rate and false alarm rate.
- Area under the ROC curve (AUC) is computed using a tapeziod rule.
5. Classification Based Techniques
- Main idea: build a classification model for normal (and anomalous (rare)) events based on labeled training data, and use it to classify each new unseen event.
- Classification models must be able to handle skewed (imbalanced) class distribution
- Categories
- supervised learning techniques
- require knowledge of both normal and anomaly class
- build classifier to distinguish between normal and known anomalies
- semi-supervised classification techniques
- require knowledge of normal class only
- use modified classification model to learn the normal behavior and then detect any deviations from normal behavior as anomalous
- Advantage
- supervised learning techniques
- models that can be easily understood
- high accuracy in detecting many kinds of known anomalies
- semi-supervised classification techniques
- models that can be easily understood
- normal behavior can be accurately learned
- Drawbacks
- supervised learning techniques
- require both labels from both normal and anomaly class
- cannot detect unknown and emerging anomalies
- semi-supervised classification techniques
- require labels from normal class
- possible high false alarm rate
- previous unseen data records may be recognized as anomalies
6. Nearest Neighbor Based
- Key assumption
- normal points have close neighbors while anomalies are located far from other points
- Two approach
- compute neighborhood for each data record
- analyze the neighbor to determine whether data record is anomaly or not
- Categories
- distance-based methods
- anomalies are data points most distant from other points
- density-based methods
- anomalies are data points in low density regions
- Advantage
- can be used in unsupervised or semi-supervised setting (do not make any assumptions about data distribution)
- Drawbacks
- if normal points do not have sufficient number of neighbors the techniques may fail
- computationally expensive
- in high dimensional spaces, data is sparse and the concept of similarity may not be meaningful anymore
- due to the sparseness, distances between any two data records may become quite similar
- each data record may be considered as potential outlier
7. Clustering-based Techniques
- Key assumption
- normal data records belong to large and dense clusters, while anomalies do not belong to any of the clusters or form very small clusters
- Categorization according to labels
- semi-supervised
- cluster normal data to create models for normal behavior. If a new instance do not belong to any of the clusters or it is not close to any cluster, is anomaly.
- unsupervised
- post processing is needed after a clustering step to determine the size of the clusters and the distance from the cluster is required for the point to be anomaly
- Advantage
- No need to be supervised
- Easily adaptable to online/incremental mode suitable for anomaly detection from temporal data
- Drawbacks
- computationally expensive
- using indexing structures may alleviate this problem
- if normal points do not create any clusters the techniques may fail
- in high dimensional spaces, data is sparse and distances between any two data records may become quite similar
8. Statistics Based Techniques
- Data points are modeled using stochastic distribution
- points are determined to be outliers depending on their relationship with their model
- Advantage
- utilize existing statistical modeling techniques to model various type of distributions
- Drawback
- with high dimensions, difficult to estimate distributions
- parametric assumptions often do no hold for real data sets
- Parametric Techniques
- assume that the normal (and possibly anomalous) data is generated from underlying parametric distribution
- learn the parameters from the normal sample
- determine the likelihood of a test instance to be generated from this distribution to detect anomalies
- Non-parametric Techniques
- do not assume any knowledge of parameters
- use non-parametric techniques to learn a distribution
- e.g., parzen window estimation
9. Information Theory Based Techniques
- Computer information content in data using information theoretic measures
- e.g., entropy, relative entropy, etc.
- Key idea: outliers significantly alter the information content in a dataset
- Approach: detect data instances that significantly alter the information content
- require an information theoretic measure
- Advantage
- operate in an unsupervised mode
- Drawback
- require an information theoretic measure sensitive enough to detect irregularity induced by few outliers
- Example
- Kolmogorov complexity
- detect smallest data subset whose removal leads to maximum reduction in kolmogorov complexity
- Entropy-based approaches
- find a k-sized subset whose removal leads to the maximal decrease in entropy
10. Spectral Techniques
- Analysis based on eigen decomposition of data
- key idea
- find combination of attributes that capture bulk of variability
- reduced set of attributes can explain normal data well, but not necessarily the outliers
- Advantage
- can operate in an unsupervised mode
- Drawback
- based on the assumption that anomalies and normal instances are distinguishable in the reduced space
- Several methods use Principal Component Analysis
- top few principal components capture variability in normal data
- smallest principal component should have constant values
- outliers have variability in the smallest component
11. Collective Anomaly Detection
- Detect collective anomalies
- Exploit the relationship among data instances
- Sequential anomaly detection
- detect anomalous sequence
- Spatial anomaly detection
- detect anomalous sub-regions within a spatial data set
- Graph anomaly detection
- detect anomalous sub-graphs in graph data
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