Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reversible Markov Chain

1. Definition

Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots$ be a Markov chain with transition probabilities $P_{ij}$.

$P_{ij} = Pr\{X_{n+1} = j| X_n = i\}$

E.g. A sample realization is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Let $X_n, x_{n-1}, \cdots $ be the same sequence in reverse, i.e. $\cdots, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, \cdots$

Let $Q_{ij}$ be the transition probabilities of the reversed process. That is
$Q_{ij} = Pr\{X_{n-1} = j |X_n = i\}$
              = $\frac{Pr\{X_{n-1} =j, X_n = i\}}{Pr\{X_n = i\}}$
              = $\frac{Pr\{X_{n-1} = j\} Pr\{X_n =i | X_{n-1} = j\}}{Pr\{X_n = i\}}$
              = $\frac{Pr\{X_{n-1} = j\} P_{ji}}{Pr\{X_n = i\}}$

2. Conclusion

In the steady state, assuming the limiting probabilities exist, we have
$Q_{ij} = \frac{\pi_j P_{ji}}{\pi_i}$  or $\pi_i Q_{ij} = \pi_j Q_{ji}$

The above equation is saying that the rate of transmissions from i to j in the reversed chain is equal to the rate of transitions from j to i in the forward chain.

A DTMC is time reversible if $Q_{ij} = P_{ij}$

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